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- This file contains the most recent update infos at the beginning, resp.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme ===> 21-September-1993
- EXPLORER 32 Version 2.04
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explorer 32 is Shareware from now on, that is it may be copied and tested
- for non-commercial purposes. However, if Explorer 32 is used regularly, you
- have to pay DM 50 (or more if you want) to the author. Spreading Explorer
- 32 via Public Domain Mail Order is allowed only with an explicite, written
- permission. Offenders will be prosecuted.
- Following files belong to Explorer 32:
- EXPLORER.PRG the program file
- EXPLORER.RSC resource for monochrome
- EXPL_C.RSC resource für color
- EX1 additional resource
- EX2 additional resource
- EXPLORER.SET default settings
- D110.SET several settings
- D50.SET
- D550.SET
- MT32.SET
- LIBS\ several libraries
- SETUPS\ several setups
- DISPLOFF.SEQ sequence for switching off the display
- EXPL_REQ.PAT pattern with requests
- LA_LOAD.PRG utility for sending setups
- LA_LOAD.DAT info file for LA-LOAD
- DEMO.SEQ demo sequence
- DESKTOP.INF for the Desktop
- LIESMICH.TXT this file, German version
- README.TXT this file
- Explorer 32 may be spread only together with the above files.
- Contact address:
- Michael Haydn
- Seilergasse 1
- 85570 Markt Schwaben
- Germany
- E-Mail: michael_haydn @ maus.m.de
- Bank account:
- Michael Haydn
- account no. 140 3486
- Münchner Bank eG Volksbank
- BLZ (bank sorting code number) 701 900 00.
- C-LAB Software has no more rights on Explorer 32. All rights on Explorer 32
- are reserved for the author, Michael Haydn.
- IMPORTANT: Explorer 32's development has been stopped. There will be no
- further versions. Any suggestions are pointless.
- ∙ Startup
- -------
- Explorer 32 has no more copy protection nor serial number. Therefore, it
- can be copied to harddisk and started from there without the master disk.
- ∙ compatible with NVDI and GDOS
- -----------------------------
- Explorer 32 does not use an own character set anymore. Therefore, there are
- no more problems with NVDI or GDOS.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme ===> 15-May-1990
- EXPLORER 32 Version 2.04
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ∙ in addition to III.2.7. Copying/Deleting
- ----------------------------------------
- If you hold down a Shift key when copying or deleting with the mouse, only
- the data will be copied resp. deleted which the mouse pointer pointed to at
- the beginning of the operation. If any other data are selected, they will
- be ignored.
- When the form "Selected ... won't fit in Target Area" appears, you can now
- choose either to CANCEL the operation or only to copy the data which will
- fit ("Omit Rest"). Thus, the rest of the selected data will not be copied.
- ∙ in addition to III.3.1. Finding selected Library Entries
- --------------------------------------------------------
- The key combinations [Control-Cursor Up] and [Control-Cursor Down] have the
- same effect as [F3] and [F4]: The Library Cursor is positioned to the next
- resp. last selected Library Entry.
- ∙ in addition to III.5. Deleting functions
- ----------------------------------------
- The key [Delete] deletes the cursored Library Entry. [Shift-Delete] deletes
- all selected Library Entries (identical to menu entry "Library->Delete").
- ∙ in addition to IV.4.1. Editing "Steppers"
- -----------------------------------------
- When editing a stepper (that is a number value), pressing the Shift Key or
- the respectively other mouse button, the value is changed by +/- 10.
- ∙ in addition to IX.1. Printing
- -----------------------------
- If any temporary Tones, Timbres, or the temporary Patch are selected, they
- will also be printed at the corresponding printing functions.
- --------------------------------------
- If you use DIRECTOR in conjunction with EXPORT, you should delete all other
- accessories from your boot drive (normally A or C) or rename them from .ACC
- to .ACX. This is especially true for CONTROL.ACC and all accessories or
- auto folder programs which initialize the serial port (e.g. FLEXDISK).
- Otherwise it is possible that EXPORT does not work.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme ===> 08-January-1990
- EXPLORER 32 Version 2.03
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ∙ in addition to II.2.: MIDI Merge Box
- ------------------------------------
- With SOFT LINK in union with UNITOR, you have a MIDI Merge Box with three
- inputs, for each a freely definable Input Filter and Realtime Transform
- capabilities in CREATOR/NOTATOR. By SOFT LINK, these features are accessib-
- le for EXPLORER 32.
- ∙ in addition to II.3.: Graphics accelerators
- -------------------------------------------
- EXLORER 32 runs with graphics accelerators on priciple, e.g. "Turbo ST".
- However, it turned out that we have to advise you against "Quick ST" (at
- least versions up to 1.51). This seems not to be completely operating
- system compatible, so that side effects showed up in the graphics output.
- Crashes not excluded on princible!
- ∙ in addition to III.2.5.: Send and Receive Data
- ----------------------------------------------
- Some Roland devices seem not to keep the demand to accept MIDI data at
- latest 20 ms after the have received a SysEx message. So, EXPLORER 32
- increases this delay after each unsuccessful try up to 320 ms.
- ∙ in addition to III.6.2.: Loading unknown formats
- ------------------------------------------------
- Now, loading unknown file formats is completely harmless (by limiting the
- parameters to valid values). At best, the connected synthesizer may show a
- "MIDI Communication Error".
- ∙ in addition to III.9.: AUTOPLAY and MIDI THRU with SOFT LINK
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Since Version 2.0, EXPLORER 32 is SOFT LINK compatible. When running
- EXPLORER 32 in the SOFT LINK environment, it recognizes this and disables
- its built-in sequencer, and by this, the functions AUTOPLAY, MIDI THRU,
- RECORD, and CONVERT THRU CHANNEL, too. The whole MIDI data stream then will
- be controlled by CREATOR/NOTATOR, thus also MIDI Thru.
- Unfortunately, by this, immediate monitoring in union with SOFT LINK has
- not been possible. Version 2.02 fixes this up. When EXPLORER 32 is running
- in a SOFT LINK partition, AUTOPLAY is still available. However, only one
- note can be played; its pitch and velocity are controlled by the MIDI MOUSE
- function (see III.10.). The note sounds for 0.5 seconds, resp. Since the
- output is done by standard routines, it can be routed by SOFT LINK. Because
- of that, you should set the MIDI Thru channel to ORIGINAL and just choose
- the correct MIDI Output (A through F).
- When EXPLORER 32 runs in the SOFT LINK environment, "SOFT LINK" is shown in
- the upper right corner (where normally the Thru Channel is shown).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme ===> 28-June-1989
- EXPLORER 32 Version 2.01
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ∙ in addition to III.6.2.: Reading other manufacturer's file formats
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now the formats of "MIDIMouse Music D-50 Capture", "D-50 Command", and
- "Paradigm Software Products Omni-Banker ST" are recognized additionally.
- If the file format to be read in is not known by EXPLORER 32, you have the
- possibility to read the file in nevertheless. But be warned: this way, it
- is possible that totally nonsensical data gets into the system which could
- cause a crash in some cases. So you should save all data before. The file
- has been read in correctly when the shown names look reasonable.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme ===> 11-June-1989
- EXPLORER 32 Version 2.0
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dear EXPLORER 32 owner,
- we have been trying hard to avoid any errors in the manual. But we are
- humans and to err is human. In the following chapters we will inform you of
- any errors and of good ideas we have had after printing of manual. If you
- still have any questions concerning the operation of EXPLORER 32 after
- studying the manual, read this README file first. If you have a printer, it
- is a good idea to print out this file, in order to try out the new features
- during operation.
- ∙ IMPORTANT: Memory Protect is bypassed
- -------------------------------------
- Before you start EXPLORER 32 you should know that your synth's MEMORY
- PROTECT is bypassed by EXPLORER 32 (except D-50/D-550). If you write any
- data to your LA-synthesizer's memory (it is the big window in all modes),
- the data in the corresponding memory locations will be lost irretrievably.
- ∙ Files on your master disk
- -------------------------
- CONTROL.ACC Control accessory. Is needed if the colors set in DESKTOP.INF
- shall be initialized when you switch on the computer.
- EXPLORER.PRG the Program file
- EXPLORER.RSC the Resource file for high resolution
- EXPL_C.RSC the Resource file for medium resolution
- EX1 | Data files necessary for program startup
- EX2 |
- If you are using a disk in drive B or a hard disk to start EXPLORER 32, at
- least the five above-mentioned files must be copied (Depending on the
- screen resolution you use one of the resource files can be omitted).
- EXPLORER.SET the default settings file (set to D-10/new)
- MT32.SET settings file for MT-32
- D-110.SET settings file for D-110
- D-50.SET settings file for D-50
- D-550.SET settings file for D-550
- If you do not use one of the D-5, D-10 or D-20 models, you should rename
- EXPLORER.SET into "D10.SET" and the settings file required for your model
- into "EXPLORER.SET".
- DESKTOP.INF Information file for the desktop. Contains colors, window
- positions, application installations etc.
- README.DOC The file you are currently reading.
- LIESMICH.DOC The same file in German.
- LA_LOAD.PRG LA-LOAD program file. Can also be used as an accessory (see
- below).
- LA_LOAD.DAT LA-LOAD data file. Contains command lines for LA-LOAD.
- DISPLOFF.SEQ Sequence file for CREATOR/NOTATOR with which the D-110's
- display can be restored (set to Unit 17).
- DEMO.SEQ Demo sequence for test use
- EXPL_REQ.PAT CREATOR/NOTATOR pattern with different requests for all LA
- Models. Descriptions can be found in the tracks.
- In the filer LIBS:
- MT32FACT.XPL Factory Tones (ROM) of the MT-32
- D10FACT.XPL Factory Tones (ROM and RAM) of the D-10 (new). Identical to
- those of D-5, D-20 and D-110.
- D50FACT.XPL Factory Tones (RAM) of the D-50. Identical to those of the D-
- 550.
- AKTIV1.XPL 64 new D-50 sounds, kindly made available by Udo Hilwerling
- (author of "Musik Aktiv's Partial-4").
- In the filer SETUPS:
- D10FACT.SEQ Complete factory setup of D-10
- D110FACT.SEQ Complete factory setup of D-110
- ∙ IMPORTANT: A new startup possibility
- ------------------------------------
- If you use only one disk drive, it has been impossible up to now to use the
- writing them directly to your master disk.
- Now we have a solution: When you start EXPLORER 32 and the cover picture
- appears, press one of the SHIFT keys until a requester appears and asks for
- your data disk. Insert the disk with your own data files and click OK. If
- this disk contains the EXPLORER.SET file, it will be loadad as the default
- settings. The paths for libraries, setups and sequences will be established
- and the above-mentioned files will be loaded if they exist on those paths.
- ∙ in addition to III.1: large libraries
- -------------------------------------
- When a library becomes very large, most of the library functions will slow
- down. This is of special importance when the size of the library reaches
- the computer's storage capacity (for freaks: "Garbage Collections" have to
- be carried out more frequently, slowing down the computer). To avoid this
- don't let the library exceed 90% of the computer memory.
- ∙ in addition to III.2.4.: Autosend and Autoplay with D-50/D-550
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- When in D-50/D-550 mode a sound is transmitted with Autosend and a sequence
- is played with Autoplay immediately afterwards, you may hear unexpected
- noise. The reason is: The reverb processor of the D-50 needs some time to
- initialize the new reverb program and "trashes" in the meantime.
- ∙ in addition to III.2.5.: IMPORTANT: Sending 64 Tones to the D-50/D-550
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- As described in Appendix B you have to press two buttons at the D-50 to
- send a sound to its memory. When using a D-550 this is not necessary but
- nonetheless the data transfer does not have to take that long.
- To send 64 sounds you would have to press the two buttons 64 times and wait
- quite a while. That is why we extended the send functions of these models
- in an "intelligent" way. It works automatically if you:
- - send all data (Shift-F8)
- - send all selected data (F8) when all 64 Memory Tones are selected
- - copy exactly 64 Library Entries into the Tone Memory.
- Then you are requested to press the "DATA TRANSFER", "B.LOAD" and "ENTER"
- buttons at the D-50/550 (If you want to cancel the operation, simply press
- any computer key or the mouse button). This puts the D-50/550 into the so-
- called "Data Transfer Mode". After you pressed "Enter" the D-50/550 will
- send a signal to the program, which then starts to send data. The data
- transfer itself is accomplished by a "handshake" procedure, i.e. the
- receiving D-50/550 signals that a data block has been received correctly.
- Thus errors in data transfer are impossible.
- Please note: This operation overwrites the internal memory of the D-50/550
- completely! If the message "Int Memory Protected - Cancel ..." appears
- after pressing "B.LOAD", you will have to set "Protect" in the
- "TUNE/FUNCTION" menu to "OFF".
- If everything works well, the D-50/550 will display "Loading... ". You can
- ignore the "MIDI Communication Error" message at the end of the transfer.
- It simply means that the D-50/550 did not receive the 16 reverb processor
- programs. Everything else will be OK.
- However, if EXPLORER 32 displays the message "Handshake Mode: MIDI
- Communication Error", then the D-50/550 did not answer at all or it signals
- that the data transfer's checksum does not match. In this case the data
- transfer is canceled and the memory window's contents stay the same as
- before.
- Please note in addition: If the computer does not know all 64 memory tones,
- the unknown tones will be sent nevertheless and erase the corresponding
- tones in the D-50/550. If you want to keep them, select and receive them in
- advance with "Receive selected".
- ∙ in addition to III.2.7.: Extended Conversions when copying
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- The automatic conversion functions described in III.2.7. (copying library
- entries to Timbres or Patches) also work with temporary Timbres or with the
- temporary Patch. When "Autosend" is activated, it means:
- 1. in Timbre Mode: When you click on a library entry coming from a D-50/D-
- 550, the parameters of the Cursor Part's temporary Timbre will be adjusted
- accordingly. In addition the converted Tone will be sent to the same Part's
- temporary Tone. The same happens if the entry does not come from a D-50/D-
- 550. The Timbre is reset. As the Timbre is transmitted before the Tone, the
- timbre's parameters "Tone Group/Number" have no meaning.
- 2. in Patch Mode: When you click on a D-50/550 entry, a Patch as described
- on page 39 is created and transmitted to the LA-synthesizer's temporary
- Patch. The two Tones of the D-50 are converted and sent to Parts 1 & 2. As
- (1) the Patch (strictly speaking the System Area and all nine temporary
- Timbres) and (2) the two Tones are sent (only one in D-50 WHOLE mode), the
- Patch parameters "Tone Group/Number" have no meaning here, too.
- Thus you can get very good results (especially in Patch mode) when
- converting D-50 sounds with a single mouse or key pressure, as reverb
- parameters are also converted. See IX.5, page 101.
- As in Tone mode you can make the above-mentioned conversions by double-
- clicking on the library entry (or clicking once and then clicking the
- "Edit" icon) and jump to the Timbre or Patch editor afterwards.
- ∙ in addition to III.3.1.: "Find similar Names" improved
- ------------------------------------------------------
- "Find similar names" now also finds names if one or more characters of the
- name are missing. Entering "Guitar" will also find "Gitarre".
- ∙ in addition to III.3.6.: TCS extended
- -------------------------------------
- A new option for TCS has been added: After selecting the desired
- characteristics you can press one of the keys 1 to 9 of the numeric keypad.
- All sounds will be selected which fulfil AT LEAST the corresponding number
- of selected characteristics. E.g. pressing 2 selects all sounds which
- fulfil at least two of the selected characteristics in any combination.
- ∙ in addition to III.5.: special treatment of entries with 0 Partials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- The two Delete functions do not affect entries whose four Partials are
- muted. This is an easy way to "misuse" sounds as titles. Simply take any
- sound and switch off all partials. When you file it in the library with
- "Condense", it will not need much more space than the name itself. However,
- do not use any D-50/550 sounds as they need too much memory. Now you can
- enter any name as a title. This is especially useful if you want to sort
- your library thematically. The two Delete functions can still be applied
- correctly (i.e. they will not consider all titles as "sounding identi-
- cally", what is actually the case).
- ∙ very fast Search and Delete functions
- -------------------------------------
- After the printing of the manual all Search and Delete functions were
- optimized and are now 10 to 100 times faster. Even "Delete Twins" does not
- take that long anymore. You will soon find out that these functions are
- very useful, especially because they are very fast.
- ∙ in addition to III.6.: automatic replacing of file extenders
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- When loading or saving setups, sequences or settings, the extender you
- entered in the file requester will always be replaced by the correct one
- (.SEQ or .SET). Hence, if you want to load a setup named TEST.XYZ, the
- program will always try to load TEST.SEQ. If you want to load a backup
- file, you will have to rename it accordingly first with "File -> Rename
- File". However, the extender "*.*" is always used when loading, inserting
- or saving libraries to facilitate loading of D-50 files.
- ∙ in addition to III.6.2.: Recognizing other manufacturer's formats
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you get the message "Unknown File Type", EXPLORER 32 cannot recognize
- the bank file's format.
- ∙ in addition to III.7.1.: Setups with CREATOR/NOTATOR
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Each Setup's data set consists of the following events:
- Time Type Device Contents
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Lyric all description of the following data in clear
- A Program D-50/550 only Program Change to D-50 Patch *)
- A SysEx all the first 256 data bytes in a "DT1" command
- B SysEx all maybe more data bytes **)
- C SysEx D-50/550 Write Request *)
- A,B, and C represent three event times which depend on the former position
- and number of bytes to send.
- *) only when Part 1 to 8
- **) omitted if data set is shorter than 256 bytes
- Using CREATOR/NOTATOR, you should neither change the succession of events
- in such a data set nor insert any events in between. This way you will
- always know which event contains which data. If a SysEx event is not
- preceded by a Lyric event, it belongs to the preceding SysEx event (Due to
- the Roland SysEx format not more than 256 data bytes can be transmitted in
- one block). It is also possible that the event belongs to a scrolling text
- display which cannot consist of a single event of course.
- If a D-50/550 Memory Patch is to be sent, the data is preceded by a Program
- Change and followed by a "Write Request". This is the same procedure
- EXPLORER 32 uses when sending data internally (see also Appendix B). This
- does not apply however to the D-50, because only the D-550 can understand a
- Write Request.
- Note that you cannot correctly load Setups which contain data of different
- models or load Setups with different unit numbers or basic channels into
- EXPLORER 32, since the program always automatically converts all data to
- the currently selected model using the currently selected unit number/basic
- channel.
- In D-110 mode, a temporary patch saved in a setup will not be recognized
- when loading this setup. This is because a "temporary patch" in this sense
- doesn't exist in the D-110. Rather, when selecting a memory patch, it's
- contents is distributed among the nine temporary timbres and the system
- area - and this is the only way how to transfer a temporary patch via MIDI.
- That is why only temporary timbres and a system area appear in a setup
- which are loaded correctly anyhow.
- To "reintroduce" the temporary patch to the computer, there is a simple
- trick: Load the setup normally. Now, select menu "deselect all", and select
- the temporary patch. Connect D-110 with Atari bidirectionally, and hit F9
- (Receive selected). Now, the patch should reappear.
- ∙ in addition to III.7.2.: LA-LOAD extended
- -----------------------------------------
- LA-LOAD is named "LA_LOAD.PRG" on your master disk (with an underscore).
- When using the AUTO filer method or starting LA-LOAD directly, the file
- "LA-LOAD.DAT" can also be named "LA_LOAD.DAT" (with an underscore). As most
- text editors do not allow hyphens in a file name, it has been difficult to
- create a new file with the name "LA-LOAD.DAT".
- Instead of "Unit nn" only "Unit" can be entered. In this case the Unit
- number in the Setup file will not be replaced. The file will be transmitted
- the way CREATOR/NOTATOR would. This is also the default setting before any
- "Unit nn". The Setup file will be transmitted as stored on disk when you
- install LA-LOAD as an application and double-click the Setup file icon (see
- manual).
- After sending a System Exclusive Event, LA-LOAD waits for about 20 ms in
- accordance with the Roland System Exclusive format. This avoids errors in
- data transmission (especially when using a hard disk) because some LA-
- synths are not able to process the data fast enough.
- ∙ LA-LOAD as an accessory
- -----------------------
- LA-LOAD has also been extended. When you rename LA_LOAD.PRG to LA_LOAD.ACC,
- it becomes an accessory (for further information see your Atari manual). It
- must be placed in the root directory of the boot drive ("A:\" for disk,
- usually "C:\" for hard disk) if it shall be initialised and registered in
- the desktop's menu when you power up the computer. Thus you can start
- LA-LOAD from a GEM application or from the desktop by selecting entry
- "LA_LOAD V2.1" option in the menu at the extreme left ("DESK" or the Atari
- logo). LA_LOAD.ACC is especially useful if you work with a sequencer system
- different from CREATOR/NOTATOR and want to transmit system data to your LA-
- synths quickly.
- After starting LA_LOAD.ACC a File Selector box will appear. Select any
- Setup file to be sent. If the selected file does not exist, an alert
- message will appear. To change the Unit number as described in the manual
- enter "UNITnn" as the file name ("nn" stands for the new Unit number as
- file names do not allow spaces). As described above only "UNIT" is also
- possible.
- Text files with the extender .DAT can also be loaded with LA_LOAD.ACC.
- Simply enter the corresponding file name, the .DAT file will be loaded and
- its text lines processed. Thus you can load or send a complete Setup for
- one song and for several synths (up to 32) in one operation.
- LA-LOAD uses the standard operating system routines for MIDI communication.
- If you start LA-LOAD.ACC from a different program and nothing is transmit-
- ted or the computer crashes, the fault lies with the program itself (it
- disabled these routines). This applies to only a few programs.
- ∙ in addition to III.10.: MIDI Thru endless loops
- -----------------------------------------------
- If MIDI Thru is activated and you connect the MIDI Out jack of the Atari
- with its MIDI In jack by mistake (e.g. via the MIDI Thru jacks of other
- devices) and data is transmitted, an endless loop will be the result. The
- computer keeps transmitting the data it receives and the mouse cannot be
- moved any more. Disconnect the loop and after a few seconds the program
- will have "settled down" again.
- ∙ MIDI Thru with a D-5/10/20 in Multi Mode
- ----------------------------------------
- As the D-5/10/20 models' LOCAL OFF work only in Performance Mode, both
- Transmit Channels of the keyboard should be set to a MIDI channel not used
- by any Part in Multi Mode (e.g. 16). Otherwise always two Parts will be
- played.
- ∙ in addition to IV.3.: AutoScroll without Blitter
- ------------------------------------------------
- If your Atari ST is not equipped with a blitter chip, the screen will be
- scrolled in rough steps only. The AutoScroll factor will be rounded. For
- small mouse movements AutoScroll must be set to at least 8.
- ∙ in addition to IV.6.: Copying Partials
- --------------------------------------
- For copying partials use only the right mouse button instead of both
- buttons.
- ∙ in addition to IX.3.: Level & Pan Editor for the MT-32/100, E-10/20
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note that if you change Level or Panorama for the MT-32, MT-100, E-10 and
- E-20, the current Timbre in the corresponding Part of the LA-synth is
- initialized. Tones contained in the Part will be overwritten by the one the
- Timbre points at. The D-5/10/20/110 models work differently: Here the
- parameters of the Timbres can be changed one by one without any side-
- effects.
- ∙ in addition to IX.4.: DISPLOFF.SEQ
- ----------------------------------
- As described in the manual, the checksum byte has to be changed when you
- use a different unit number. This is not correct. Simply change 16.
- ∙ in addition to Appendix A:
- --------------------------
- - My D-50/550 does not transmit any data.
- Do not forget to set parameter "Exclu" to "ON". You will find it in the
- "MIDI 3" menu. If it is set to "OFF", the D-50/550 will ignore any system
- exclusive messages.
- - What do the following error messages mean?
- "... didn't answer! Please check if the ST's MIDI IN is connected to the
- ...'s MIDI OUT.
- This means that after a data request no data or data with the wrong header
- have been sent. The problem occurs when the device has not been correctly
- connected or the unit number/basic channel do not match or "SysEx" is
- disabled on the device.
- "Wrong SysEx Checksum!"
- Here a "real" data transfer error has occurred, caused by a broken MIDI
- cable or strong magnetic fields etc.
- "Wrong Data Size!"
- The number of requested data bytes does not match the number of sent data
- bytes.
- The above-mentioned errors, especially the latter two, normally should not
- occur. EXPLORER 32 uses the following procedure when requesting data: The
- data request is sent. The device has to respond within 150 ms. If it does,
- data set header, length and check sum are checked. If an error occurred,
- the procedure is repeated up to five times. If no correct data transfer has
- taken place, one of the above error messages will be displayed. This is
- necessary, because the D-50 is ignoring all MIDI inputs for some time after
- receiving a program change with certain reverb settings.
- - Receiving data takes longer than usual, stagnates
- Do you use autoload programs or accessories like NIGHT or QUICKMOUSE which
- link themselves into interrupts? If Yes, please deactivate them. These
- programs can confuse the Atari's internal timing and cause data transfer
- problems. That is why EXPLORER 32 tries several times to receive the
- correct data.
- - Software Versions
- E-20: REVERB ON/OFF: Software version.
- TYPE: Does not show the version of the operating software but the version
- of the test routines which can be called with the keys USER PROGRAM 1 to
- 4. The E-20's memory, all keys, buttons, faders and the MIDI interface
- can be checked.
- WRITE: "Factory Setup loaded!". Initialises the E-20 to its default
- settings.
- D-20: DATA TRANSFER + EDIT: Software version.
- From serial number 982800 up two version numbers are displayed: the upper
- is ROM (C), the lower ROM (A)(B).
- D-550: PATCH BANK 6 + PATCH NUMBER 6 + EXIT: Software version.
- ∙ in addition to Appendix B:
- --------------------------
- - Does EXPLORER 32 also run with ...?
- ... GDOS: Yes, but only with GDOS version 1.2 and higher.
- - What do the characters in the upper right corner mean?
- They display the currently set LA model:
- "MT-32" at MT-32, MT-100, E-10 and E-20
- "D-10" at D-5, D-10 and D-20
- "D-110" at D-110
- "D-50" at D-50 and D-550
- - How do I get a ROM drum sound into the Tone Editor?
- If necessary, switch to Timbre mode, start Timbre Editor on Part X, set
- "Tone Group" to "RHYTHM". Use "Tone Number" to select the desired drum
- sound. Switch back to Tone Mode and enter the Tone Editor on the same Part
- X. With "Are You Sure?" disabled EXPLORER 32 automatically tries to receive
- the sound. Otherwise click "Receive" in the appearing dialog box. For
- further information see III.2.5., page 36.
- - What does "Generating Editor Screen" or "Redrawing Main Screen" mean?
- When you start the Tone Editor, the main screen is stored in a buffer. Then
- the graphs for the Tone Editor are set up in the background - this takes a
- while (it is twice as fast with a blitter). If very few memory is left, the
- same buffer is used in which the main screen has been stored before. That's
- why it has to be set up again when you leave the Tone Editor. If you want
- to edit the same Tone again, you can switch immediately to the Tone Editor,
- as it has been set up before. And you can switch right back to the main
- screen because the buffer has not been used.
- However this holds only true if you do not have much memory; with 1 MB or
- more, only the message "Generating Editor Screen" will occur.
- - How can I toggle partials in the tone editor?
- Its "operator" is hidden somehow - it is in the upper/lower left corner of
- the structure graphics. If the partial is switched on, a P or S is
- displayed. Click in this area to toggle the partial. Alternatively press
- keys Shift-F1 to Shift-F4 to toggle partials 1 to 4. Especially when a
- partial is switched on the mouse pointer will disappear for a moment since
- the partial's graphics are set up in the background.
- - What does "Press DATA TRANSFER, then B.LOAD, then ENTER..." mean?
- See addition to III.2.5. above.
- We hope that we have removed all uncertainties and errors. Have fun and
- enjoy EXPLORER 32.
- Michael Haydn